Vintage Notebooks

This creative project is for everyone who is already journaling or would like to start with this routine. These individual upcycled vintage notebooks will be your best companion for writing down and organize your thoughts every day.

We collect old books in very bad shape and turn them into beautiful vintage notebooks. We would like to save these books from ending up in the trash. Upcycling and second-hand shopping are important for us and we would like to share this love with you. We hope to give these upcycled treasures a second chance and to find them a new home.

2 Products

  • vintage notebook woelfchen ungestuemvintage notebook woelfchen ungestuem

    Description: This old book has been upcycled and turned into a vintage notebook. The book cover is Wölfchen Ungestüm by Ingeborg Schwenkner from 1955. The notebook is hand-bound and has blank, creamy white pages. It is perfect for everyone who is already journaling or would like to start with this […]

  • vintage notebook a bhztol az ahzigvintage notebook a bhztol az ahzig

    Description: This old book has been upcycled and turned into a vintage notebook. The book cover is A BHZ-tol az ÁHZ-ig by Gábor István from 1984. The notebook is hand-bound and has blank, creamy white pages. It is perfect for everyone who is already journaling or would like to start […]